A very well written Article and a good read.
I must agree with your comparison of Bitcoin against fiat and gold, but I cannot agree with your comparison of Bitcoin vs Altcoin.
Bitcoin is an evolution of Store of Value and is better in almost every way then any previous SoV’s. But no other altcoin is even trying to compete with Bitcoin as being an SoV ( not even counting things like bch and bsv because they are not serious projects ).
Bitcoin is inherently inferior in every single technological aspect of many altcoins, but it doesn’t need to be better in order to be considered SoV.
There are projects that improve on things like Scalability and Governance ( on chain Governance for example is far more “decentralized” and is the next step after open-source ), but they have other goals. While Bitcoin aims ( albeit not its initial goal ) to be a SoV and the new digital gold, other serious Projects aim to build a new Internet.
PoW as consensus algorhitm is no longer used by any major Project that aims to build things that will change the world and it is obvious why. You yourself said that comparing Bitcoin to Ethereum is ludicrous because they have completely different goals and ideas in mind. Then why compare Bitcoin to anything else if there is no Project that even aims to be a SoV and the new digital gold.